
  1. Sioutas, C. and Schultz, R.K.  Aerosol Actuator; Patent issued to 3M, U.S. Patent No: 5,115,803, 1990.
  2. Sioutas, C. Aerosol Spray Diffuser; Patent issued to 3M, U.S. Patent No: 5,533,498, 1993.
  3. Burton, R.M., Koutrakis, P. and Sioutas, C.  Virtual impactor for removing particles from an airstream and methods for using it; Patent issued jointly by Harvard University and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. U.S. Patent No: 5,425,802, 1994.
  4. Koutrakis P., Wang, P.Y., Wolfson, J.M. and Sioutas, C.  Continuous monitor to measure particulate matter in gas; Patent issued to Harvard University.  U.S. Patent No: 5,571,945, 1995.
  5. Schultz, R.K. and Sioutas, C.  Aerosol actuator; Patent issued to 3M.  U.S Patent Number: 5,899,201, 1996.
  6. Burton R.M., Koutrakis P., Sioutas C. Virtual impactor process for removing particles from an air stream.  Patent issued to the US EPA and Harvard College.  U.S. Patent Number 5,788,741, 1997.
  7. Sioutas, C. and Schultz, R.K.  Aerosol actuator having a linearly arranged canister receiving cavity, valve stem receptacle, orifice, and deagglomeration chamber; Patent issued to 3M.  U.S. Patent No: 5,669,376, 1997.
  8. Sioutas, C., Kim, S. and Chang, M.C. Electrostatic enhancement of capture efficiency of metal filters. University of Southern California.  U.S. Patent No: 6,585,803, 2002.
  9. Koutrakis P., Wang, P.Y., Wolfson, J.M. and Sioutas, C. Methods and apparatus for continuous ambient Particulate Matter (PM) monitoring.  Patent issued to Harvard University.  U.S. Patent Number: 5,932,795, 1999.
  10. Sioutas, C. and Solomon, P.  Continuous Coarse Particle Monitor Patent issued to the University of Southern California and the US Environmental Protection.  U.S. Patent Number: 6,829,919, 2005.
  11. Sioutas, C. Personal Particle Monitor. Patent issued to the University of Southern California Agency U.S. Patent Number: 6,786,105, 2005.
  12. Sioutas, C and Solomon P.A. Impactor Inlet. Patent issued to the University of Southern California Agency U.S. Patent Number: 6,990,846, 2006.
  13. Sioutas, C. and Fine, P.M. New Compact Aerosol Concentrator for Use in Connection with Low Flow Rate Continuous Aerosol Instrumentation.  Patent issued to the University of Southern California Agency U.S. Patent Number: 7,325,465, 2008.